2023 CI Compass Fellows Summer Symposium

CI Compass Fellows from the Spring 2022 and 2023 programs had the opportunity to apply for internships with National Science Foundation Major Facilities including the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the Oceanographic Observatories Initiative (OOI), and the National Ecological Observational Network (NEON). The students gave final presentations of their summer experiences as a capstone to the CI Compass Fellowship experience.

Included in this video are (in order of appearance):

  • Gareth Oram, CICF 2023, Louisiana State University
  • Raja Allmdar Tariq Ali, CICF 2023, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
  • Calloway Sutton, CICF 2023, Indiana University
  • Mahee Shah, CICF 2023, University of Iowa
  • Camila Roa Carvajal, CI Compass Master's Student, Univeristy of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Eddie Mayor, CICF 2023, University of Notre Dame
  • Edward Lin, CICF 2022, University of Southern California
  • Bhagya Ram, CICF 2023, University of California San Diego

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