Webinar: Introducing CI Compass - Oct. 2021

Ewa Deelman, principal investigator and director, introduced CI Compass: A National Science Foundation (NSF) Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Center of Excellence for Navigating the Major Facilities Data Lifecycle in a live webinar on Oct. 4, 2021.

CI Compass builds on the Cyberinfrastructure Center of Excellence Pilot (CI CoE Pilot) project. We provide expertise and active support to cyberinfrastructure practitioners at NSF Major Facilities in order to accelerate the data lifecycle and ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the cyberinfrastructure upon which research and discovery depend.

CI Compass offers a collection of services to MFs, including evaluating CI plans, helping design new architectures and solutions, developing proofs of concept, and assessing applicability and performance of existing CI solutions. We aim to enable knowledge sharing by brokering connections between MF CI professionals, facilitating topical working groups, and organizing community meetings.

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