FAIR Data for Large Research Facilities Workshop - CI Compass at ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries


Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico

CI Compass led workshop: FAIR Data for Large Research Facilities

June 26, 2023, at 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. MST (local time, Santa Fe, New Mexico)

The CI Compass led workshop "FAIR Data for Large Research Facilities" will be held during the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) at the Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza, hosted by the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Large research facilities have many unique data management challenges. Some challenges come from the significant and complex cyberinfrastructure required to collect, process, and store diverse datasets. Other challenges come from the difficulty of making the data findable, sharable and reusable to other researchers. Additionally, recent changes in governmental mandates will expand the scope of data that needs to be made available to all data collected for publicly funded research, whether related to a publication or not.

This workshop will bring together data managers, repository managers, administrators, and others who are responsible for, or interested in research data management at large research facilities. The workshop aims to provide cross-pollination between facilities that have similar desires to realize the FAIR principles. This half-day workshop will discuss issues related to data management that are of interest to large research facilities.

This includes the following list of topics:

  • The impact of the fall 2022 OSTP Nelson Memo on NSF major facilities and other large research facilities.
  • Persistent identifiers and how they are integrated into workflows. DOIs on datasets and software; ORCID; Instrument identifiers.
  • Strategies of identifying, releasing, and versioning datasets and time-series data.
  • Ways of tracking metadata for provenance and computational steps in data processing.
  • Impacts of cybersecurity on data management and FAIR.
  • Data lifecycle planning as an explicit element in facility cyberinfrastructure planning.
  • Pragmatic ways of approaching FAIR-ness for large facilities.

The outcomes from these discussions will be disseminated back to the community and the NSF through a white paper and topics for future CI Compass webinars.

Tentative Schedule:

  1. Welcome / CI Compass FAIR WG overview / Outcomes on FAIR WG survey - Don Brower (University of Notre Dame)
  2. Nelson Memo and Federal Data Management Guidelines - Brian Minihan (ORCID)
  3. Cybersecurity and FAIR - David Butcher (MagLab)

        Panel and discussion on data management issues

  1. Christine Laney (NEON)
  2. David Butcher (MagLab/FSU)
  3. Debjani Singh (ORNL)
  4. Laurel Winter (MagLab/Los Alamos)

Overall ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) Agenda: https://2023.jcdl.org/program/schedule/

Learn more and register for JCDL 2023: https://2023.jcdl.org/