CI Compass Fellow presents research paper, poster at IEEE eScience 2022

Author: Christina Clark

2022 10 12 18

On behalf of the CI Compass Fellowship (CICF) Summer 2022 cohort, student fellow Edward Lin presented the poster and research “Application of Edge-to-Cloud Methods Toward Deep Learning” at the IEEE eScience 2022 conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Lin is a student at the University of Southern California studying computer science. He gave a formal presentation at the conference on the research conducted during the CICF program, and he was present for further discussion of the poster and research conducted by the cohort. In addition to Lin, the Summer 2022 cohort of the CICF included Khushi Choudhary, student at the University of Southern California studying computer science and business administration, and Nona Nersisyan, student at the University of Southern California studying computer science.

IEEE eScience 2022’s theme throughout October 10-14 was “Democratizing Science.” According to the eScience Conference website, “The objective of the eScience Conference is to promote and encourage all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, algorithms and tools with a strong focus on practical solutions and challenges.”

Throughout Summer 2022, CI Compass Fellows utilized tools and were given support in using professional cyberinfrastructure tools such as the Chameleon Cloud testbed, Pegasus Workflow Management System, and HTCondor. Fellows detailed how they utilized these tools to classify lake zooplankton.

Within the paper, the authors state: “By analyzing plankton, it is possible to learn about the health of ecosystems and how they have been affected by environmental changes.”

“This was my first time at a science conference and I had a great time,” Lin said. “I was able to attend some interesting talks and meet a lot of other people interested in research. Of course, presenting my own paper and poster was one of the highlights of the trip.”

Ewa Deelman, Principal Investigator (PI) of CI Compass, and Angela Murillo, co-PI of CI Compass and co-director of the CICF, were present for Lin’s presentation.

“The CICF program is a critical part of CI Compass. We want to be able to engage with undergraduate students as early as possible and expose them to the opportunities offered by work within the cyberinfrastructure space. Because of our close collaboration with the NSF Major Facilities, CI Compass Fellows can see the direct impact of CI on science,” said Deelman.

The poster, and research paper by the same title, were authored by CI Compass Fellows Khushi Choudhary, Nona Nersisyan, and Edward Lin, as well as CI Compass leadership and team members Shobana Chandrasekaran, Rajiv Mayani, Loic Pottier, Angela P. Murillo, Nicole K. Virdone, Kerk Kee, and Ewa Deelman.

Learn more about the paper accepted into the IEEE eScience Conference 2022: here.

About CI Compass

CI Compass is funded by the NSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure in the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering under grant number 2127548. Its participating research institutions include the University of Southern California, Indiana University, Texas Tech University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Notre Dame, and the University of Utah.

To learn more about CI Compass, please visit


Christina Clark, Research Communications Specialist

CI Compass / Notre Dame Research / University of Notre Dame / 574.631.2665 / @cicompass