Tech Notes: Facilitating Connections: The CI Compass FAIR Data Topical Working Group


  • FAIR Data

Authored by: Angela Murrilo, Don Brower, and Charles Vardeman.

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) CI Compass FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) Data Topical Working Group (TWG) was created in August 2022 in response to feedback from the 2022 Cyberinfrastructure for NSF Major Facilities (CI4MF) Workshop in which the Major Facilities (MFs) and broader cyberinfrastructure (CI) community shared that they would like more guidance regarding FAIR Data.

The FAIR Data TWG aims to:

  • understand the current practices and needs of FAIR implementation by MFs,

  • research current and emerging FAIR data practices and implementation,

  • organize guest speakers regarding FAIR, and

  • disseminate research regarding FAIR data practices and implementation.

The NSF CI Compass FAIR Data TWG includes CI Compass personnel, MF personnel, and colleagues from the broader CI Community and is open to all MF personnel and CI colleagues interested in participating.

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