PEARC 24 - HPC: Human Powered Computing

(part of a series)

Location: Providence, Rhode Island

From PEARC 24:

The ACM Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) Conference Series is a community-driven effort built on the successes of the past, with the aim to grow and increase inclusivity by involving additional local, regional, national, and international cyberinfrastructure and research computing partners spanning academia, government, and industry. The ACM PEARC Conference Series is working to integrate and meet the collective interests of our growing community by providing a forum for discussing challenges, opportunities, and solutions among the broad range of participants in the research computing community. The ACM PEARC Conferences are organized by a group of dedicated volunteers from the community and are sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society.

Learn more and register: Here.